Thursday, March 20, 2008

Go Fish- Snazzy

This is our family's current favorite music. It is Christian kids music that won't drive parents bonkers. Olivia and Mandi like Superhero and run around the room with blankets flying from their backs. I like the Mom song. There is a video of it on youtube. Stories incorporates familiar Bible stories. Gotta Move is about sharing your faith and it really makes you want to dance. Bible Book Bop sings all the books of the Bible. Hit the Drum, Get Your Jammies on, The Itsy Bitsy Spider are just for fun and they are great fun. American Kid, Snazzy, Saved, and Love Like This round out a wonderful cd with talented musicians, clear lyrics, strong beats, and an unfaltering Biblical message.

Check it out at

Have fun! Love God!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I just checked out their website. I am going to listen to the virtual CD tomorrow and let the kids listen to it. I've been wanting some new music to listen to. Thanks for the suggestion!